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Short Definitions of what a men & women should be

Definition of what a man should be The scholars have said that a full Man is the one that is 'Brave' and also 'Intelligent' (has insight to what is going on). Without both you are just half a man! Equally a definition of a Woman A woman is a pillar of strength and elegance, with these two combined, a woman can achieve and liberate the tides of society, in doing this true beauty of the mind influences and enhances character in physical and spiritual, then comfort and support which should and is a natural characteristic of women blossoms Food for thought!!

(Blog) all I have in this world is my balls, and my word (and I don't break 'em for no one!)

hey warlocks!, not to put anybody business out there or to sound like im using other people to put myself over but its been an understanding to me for a while that a lot of guys i know that have girlfriends are the ones that cheat on them whilst me being the upstanding gentleman that i am i find disillusionment that i am so unlucky in love (que the violins).. Anyways I often find myself in conversations with guys and often I hear 'em say stuff like "mans will be mans" and "every-guy cheats" and when I tell them not I much to my chagrin they don't believe me! There's an unbelievable amount of pressure on guys I think that its been enforced by other guys and girls that its what we do or what is to be expected that for some that's how they become. I think it is a shame as a lot of females even know when there "man" is creeping but either choose to ignore or just accept it as "mans will be mans".. Funny what people settle for these da


To bring y'all up to speed participants are encouraged to come up with elaborate ways to present the Smirnoff Ice to their targets by hiding bottles in inconspicuous locations, or in situations where drinking it would be dangerous or embarrassing (e.g. before they drive somewhere, attend a meeting, etc). Failure to drink, no matter the circumstance, results in the humiliation of the victim, and players are encouraged to shun those who refuse to play. If you are Iced by a fellow bro you can Ice Block. When presented w/ an Ice, you pull out an Ice of your own and reverse the Ice on your bro. The bro who is blocked must drink both. The ultimate Ice insult. HERE GOES SOME OF THE VIDEO THAT CAN BE TELEVISED!!!

Misconception of Fonzo

I just thought to blog on this after a conversation with somebody which brought about the usual misconception i tend to get from females. There's always the assumption that I ave a lot of females interesting in me or I should be used to compliments and so forth when quite the opposite I'm often overlooked, extremely under-rated and to says the females i have been with have treated me like dirt would be putting it lightly. I'm not one of them arrogant guys who think there a cut above everyone else. I'm easily pleased, a stand up guy, respectful towards people, have integrity the list goes on but for those that care, contrary to what you may think I'm somewhat of a lonely heart.


Glibness and Superficial Charm Manipulative and Conning They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims. Grandiose Sense of Self Feels entitled to certain things as "their right." Pathological Lying Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the mean

Does the Average Woman exhibit Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

I did a Web search using these keywo rds " self- cente red, incon sider ate perso nalit y" just to see what would come up, the resul ts blew me away. I disco vered that most woman have " Histrionic / Narci ssist ic Perso nalit y Disor der. " if they meet all five of the crite ria for the disor der: 1. Has a grand iose sense of self- impor tance . 2. Is preoc cupie d with fanta sies of unlim ited succe ss, power , brill iance , beaut y, or ideal love. 3. Requi res exces sive admir ation . 4. Is inter perso nally explo itati ve ( i. e., takes advan tage of other s to achie ve his or her own ends) and lacks empat hy. 5. Is often envio us of other s or belie ves that other s are envio us of him or her. do all women love thems elves ? When I relat ed these sympt oms to some of my buddi es, they obser ved that " this sound s like every woman in the world ." It would certa inly descr ibe most beaut iful women . You see Doc? Here' s scien tifi