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Does the Average Woman exhibit Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

I did a Web search using these keywo rds " self- cente red, incon sider ate perso nalit y" just to see what would come up, the resul ts blew me away. I disco vered that most woman have " Histrionic / Narci ssist ic Perso nalit y Disor der. " if they meet all five of the crite ria for the disor der: 1. Has a grand iose sense of self- impor tance . 2. Is preoc cupie d with fanta sies of unlim ited succe ss, power , brill iance , beaut y, or ideal love. 3. Requi res exces sive admir ation . 4. Is inter perso nally explo itati ve ( i. e., takes advan tage of other s to achie ve his or her own ends) and lacks empat hy. 5. Is often envio us of other s or belie ves that other s are envio us of him or her. do all women love thems elves ? When I relat ed these sympt oms to some of my buddi es, they obser ved that " this sound s like every woman in the world ." It would certa inly descr ibe most beaut iful women . You see Doc? Here' s scien tifi

Trap Or Die U.K. Edition- Fonzo aka Young P. Mon£y (Mixtape Review)

Courtesy of Hip-Hop Reviews ( Trap Or Die U.K. Edition-Young Mon£y 5/5 Young P Mon£y, or Young Mon£y when he released this classic mixtape is a rapper from Birmingham. He has connections with hip hop heavyweights such as Sha Money XL, Master P and Tim Westwood, so we know that he is star certified, and this mixtape shows that he has the potential to be amongst those names very soon! Bout Dat is a banging opener with a cracking beat and a great feature by Jigga B! Both put in great lyrical performances, but Jigga B's great rhyming pattern really steals the show on a great song and a perfect opener. Sha Money XL lends his hand in production early on in the mixtape with the great song U Got A Gang. Peedy certainly makes songs for the street, and this is an urban anthem with the hood beat and the classic dirty south thug rap vocals! Thug Passion was the single from this mixtape, and it's a very intelligent

The Covenan+ - Bout Dat INC Gang (Mixtape Review)

Courtesy of Hip-Hop Reviews ( The Covenan+ By Bout Dat INC Gang 5/5 Bout Dat I.N.C. are a collective of Birmingham MC's. There are three stand out members, who could be viewed as the leaders of the camp, and they are Wordsmith, who is the lyricist and sounds like he was born to write bars packed with metaphors. Then there's the aggressive Shaolin Soulja who has a unique voice and an implacable accent. Finally there's the most well known member, Young Mon£y, who although has the least technical rhymes, he is the most listenable and really engages the listener. But don't get me wrong, the camp's talent stretches far outside the three lead members! Math is a promising youngster who displays swagger like no other! And Lil A.G. comes with hard hitting lyrics, and he is most like Shaolin in his technique and his vocal style! The first thing we hear from the INC is a freestyle with the three previously men


WHAT IS INSPIRATION? Inspiration is a fragile thing... Just a breeze, touching the green foliage of a city park. Just a whisper from the soul of a friend. Just a line of verse clipped from some book. Inspiration... Who can say where it is born, and why it leaves us? Who can tell the reasons for its being or not being? Only this... I can think inspiration comes from the Heart of Heaven... To give the lift of wings, and the breath of divine music to those of us who are earthbound. ~By Margaret Sangster~ AN INSPIRATIONAL POEM When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit- Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace s

"NIMROD" - The LORD of Christmas

"Nimrod started the great organized worldly apostasy from God that has dominated this world until now. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. She claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. On each anniversary of his birth, she claimed, Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. December 25th, was the birthday of Nimrod. This is the real origin of the Christmas tree." -The Plain Truth About Christmas by David J. Stewart | December 24th, 2005 "Traditionally, a yule log was burned in the fireplace on Christmas Eve and during the night as the log's embers died, there appeared in the room, as if by magic, a Christmas tree surrounded by gifts. The yule log represented the sun-god Nimrod and the Ch


I apologize for all the seen and unseen lies, For the heartache and pain that brought tears in your eyes. I apologize for not being true from the start, for running away from you, leaving a hole in your heart. For ignoring your feelings and pushing them aside, because I was too damn arrogant and pumped up with pride. I apologize for making promises that I couldn`t keep, for building a foundation based on treachery and deceit. Being selfish and inconsiderate, I did what I wanted to do, making costly decisions without thinking of you. I apologize for not holding you through restless nights and stormy days, for my immature thoughts and my foolish ways. Instead of carrying your love with me, I just threw it on the shelf, after we made love I turned away, only thinking of myself. You cried your heart for me, while I was out running wild and loose, I destroyed the essence of your love with physical, mental, and emotional abuse. I gave you hell by giving up when times got rough, I didn`t slap


Don't ever try to understand everything some things will just never make sense. Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings, when you're happy, give in to it! When you're not live with it. Don't ever be afraid to try to make things better you might be surprised at the results. Don't ever take the weight of the world on your shoulders. Don't ever feel threatened by the future - take life one day at a time. Don't ever feel guilty about the past whats done is done. Learn from any mistakes you might have made. Don't ever feel that you are alone there is always somebody there for you to reach out to. Don't ever forget that you can achieve so many of the things you can imagine - imagine that! It's not as hard as it seems. Don't ever stop loving, don't ever stop believing, don't ever stop dreaming your dreams. - Laine Parsons I LIKE THIS A LOT THOUGHT I'D SHARE.