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Showing posts with the label birmingham


A record I did with upcoming Liverpool talent Valskie from 'A&V' produced by Wez-D be sure to check out more of Val's material here Follow the TWITTER & FACEBOOK

Musicism in Birmingham by Darren Roberts

Musicism in Birmingham 'Musicism' - Discrimination against a person or a genre based on one's unfavorable taste towards that genre of music. ( The demonization of certain groups and types of music within Britain is not new; in fact, it has provided a source of control for those in power since the middle-ages. A more recent example, however, of an attempt by the British Government to enforce order based on discrimination against a particular genre of music was the introduction of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Bill in 1994 – a section of which was entitled ‘Powers in relation to raves’ (S. 63). The Bill was created by the, then Conservative, government in order to protect certain communities within rural areas of Britain from the supposed ‘destruction and distress’ caused by ravers and their music. The Bill defined a rave as an ‘open air gathering of 100 or more people at which amplified music is played during the night’ – a definition which, to be...

News: Convicted Killers of Aston shooting victims in fresh freedom bid

THE killers of Aston shooting victims Charlene Ellis and Letisha Shakespeare are making a new bid for freedom after a European court ruling questioned the use of anonymous witnesses. The case of Marcus Ellis and Rodrigo Simms is to be re-examined by the European Court of Human Rights, which could deem their original trial unfair – paving the way for a fresh appeal against their 2005 murder convictions, which saw them caged for life. Defence lawyers claim they did not have a fair trial because a key witness – a convicted robber using the pseudonym Mark Brown – was allowed to give crucial evidence against them. In an unprecedented move – which according to Ellis’ barrister defied ‘1,000 years of common law in this country’ – Mr Brown was allowed to testify behind a curtain and had his voice electronically distorted. During the murder trial at Leicester Crown Court, the jury heard how Mr Brown was paid thousands of pounds in police payments to help protect him after he...

Blog - Riot or Revolution??

RAGE - RADICAL - REVOLT - REVOLUTION - RIOT - RAMPAGE - REPREHENSIBLE "The decision to choose the enemy is generally thought of as a chaotic and random event fueled by the circumstance of injustice but paralleled by the finite rate of purpose" - Charlie Sheen Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night Comrades! As I'm sure pretty much everyone who pays attention to the global news world wide is aware of the recent events in and around the U.K. So I know opinions on this are at a high. I will start at some form by beginning that habitually in the UK people are apt at sweeping things under the rug. In a spell of the past 5 months around the UK there have been "protest for justice" marches led by ( British race equality campaigner) Lee Jasper for the lives of people who have died whilst in police custody from Kingsley Burrell to musical sensation Smiley Culture. The latest name in a list that over time has reached a toll of well over 300 was 26 year old...