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Showing posts with the label owling

Is "Owling" the new Planking??

Is the bizarre internet craze of ‘planking’ set to lose its cult online status to the increasingly popular trend of ‘owling’. Errm I don;t think so I don't think it has the same appeal. A) It's easier to do, and its not as creative in my eyes but it seems hundreds of young people in America, Australia and now, Britain, have taken up the new ‘owling’ craze. It consists of nothing more taxing than crouching on one's haunches and staring into the middle distance, like an owl. YES an owl!! Owl vs plank: A man is owling on top of his friend who appears to be planking in their home Participants then take photos of themselves and post them on Facebook or on other social networking sites. Extra kudos is earned for those who do it in unusual situations. The trend is a development of the popular craze of ‘planking’ in which people would take pictures of themselves lying face down in strange locations. However, in recent months ‘planking’ has become increasingly mainstream...