You just aren't "......" although it's not fair, My heart is elsewhere not that I don't care, You want from me what I am inept to give, I'm sorry that's just how it is, At one point in time I was swept from my feet, Bound tightly by consummate love, But soon I was beaten til' broken and weakened, Discarded which left me unplugged, So it's nothing personal try to take in, There's something I hunger and crave, What left me reeling in this tail spin, Of emotional disarray, I know what that means, How its makes me seem, Iniquitous, callous and mean, But that's not the case, My virtue shan't debase, From the state of it being serene, You long for my time, Wanting more moments with me, Your name isn't "....." for you I'm too busy, That's how I know that my feelings are true, Hoping time evokes healing and pain will subdue, It's hard when estranged from what you desire, To move on to somebody next, That's why you...
The Realm Of Potentiality... #BoutDatOnline ELEVATION + EXPANSION