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WEEKLY ROUND UP (13-19 - DEC - 2010)

Afternoon Folks!

As if I don't do enough as it is i've decided it would make sense that i do a weekly round up on my blog, to pretty much put the random blurbs together lol and keep y'all updated on my weekly happenings.
So today is where I'm going to start at "whoo hoo". Well this week has been an eventful one bit of a slow pace but was able to get a few instrumental things done, broke up from the rat races which is a good look as it will give me some room to do more over this holiday season.

Maybe off the cusp of my movie reenactments lol I was approached to be involved in an upcoming theatrical play next year about "Pimps & Riches" i'm just waiting on more information on that and will update y'all as I know more but it sounds exciting though I suffer from stage fright *bites nails*.....

I managed to get some new poems up which i've been trying to upload for a while via my phone but for some silly reason it wont let me copy and paste it from my memo notes to blogger on my blackberry :S (smart phone my ass) but anyways there up now and I've had a good response on them :)

This week I also did a short video to the song I feature on with Big Mike entitled "Look At Me Now" the video could have turned out better didn't think the lighting was too clever but its a slice of the cake nevertheless and has had a vast amout of view already couple hundred in a few days *waits for the hate*. The snow came down pretty hard so for the weekend I've been housebound working on songs, poetry, movie scenes to jack! and watching movies which I will review at some point. Peace


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